
Below are online payment options for annual dues for those members in good standing.  If your membership has lapsed, please contact your local chapter for details and feel free to visit our "Reinstatement" page to pay your fees.

Select your dues type, then select your chapter / option as appropriate from the drop down menu, and then click "Add to Cart"Also, to insure proper credit for your dues payment(s), please include National SAR ID and Name. 

Regular Dues

I need to pay my regular (National, State, and Chapter), Junior, or At Large (National and State) dues.

In State Dual Dues

I am a member in Alabama chapter AND need to pay my dues for another chapter.  This option is for paying CHAPTER ONLY dues.

Out of State Dual Dues

I am a member in another state AND need to pay my At Large or Chapter/State dues.


National Lifetime ONLY

I have National Lifetime membership ONLY, BUT must pay my At Large or Chapter/State Dues.

State Lifetime ONLY

I have State Lifetime membership ONLY, BUT must pay my National and Chapter Dues.

State & National Lifetime

I have BOTH National and State Lifetime membership, BUT must pay my Chapter Dues.

A La Carte State and/or National Dues

There are special instances where you may need to only pay National and/or State dues.  For example, some chapters are exploring options for lifetime membership for their chapter and you may only have to pay State and/or National dues.  Please use the menu below if you need to pay only State, only National, or only State and National.

State AND/OR National ONLY

I do not have to pay chapter dues, BUT must pay my National and/or State Dues.

Payment of dues online includes a servicing fee to cover the cost of processing.  Your payment is handled by PayPal but does NOT require a PayPal account.  Remittence of the chapter portion of your dues will be sent to your chapter shortly after your payment is received and processed.  If you do not wish to use the online system or if your membership needs to be reinstated, please contact your chapter directly.